Message from our Pastor
Pastor’s Message – Church of Saint Benedict
Greetings to all!
Our summer of church camps and trips for kids is almost ending!
I hope you have found time this summer to refresh and recharge and spend fruitful time in prayer, too.
For this weekend’s Masses, the opening prayer and the liturgical color “red” will be in honor of Blessed Stanley Rother, an Oklahoma priest and martyr who is buried in the namesake shrine in OKC. It’s off Interstate 35 and I encourage you to check it out if you have not.
In addition, we leave behind Saint Mark for a bit and instead begin a series of Gospel readings from Saint John’s Chapter 6 with a focus on Jesus as the Bread of Life.
As it is the fourth Sunday of the month, I will cover the Latin Mass and Confessions at Holy Cross in Wagoner. Fr. Porter and Fr. Joe will return for the 9:00 AM and 12:00 PM Masses, respectively. The Men of ACTS are on retreat and will be returning on Sunday!
Blessings on your week,
Fr. Alessandro