Message from our Pastor
February 7, 2025
Friday of the Fourth Week in Ordinary Time
Keep your family safe, O Lord, with unfailing care,
that, relying solely on the hope of heavenly grace,
they may be defended always by your protection.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity
of the Holy Spirit, God, forever and ever.
Collect for the Mass on the Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Brothers and Sisters,
An example of counterintuitive saintly wisdom comes from St. Therese of Lisieux (d. 18–). One would think that being drawn closer to God automatically brings joy. However, St. Theresa experienced that closeness to God first brought a deeper awareness of two things. The first is an awareness of our sins. The more we live in the light of God’s Truth, Goodness and Beauty, the better we can see our imperfections.
Others have used the image of the windshield of our car or truck. We do not realize how dirty and cracked it truly is until we drive directly into a bright light, such as the rising or setting sun.
But this awareness of our sins is not drive us into despair, as Satan would have it do. Instead, it should lead to that second awareness, that of God’s infinite love and mercy for us in Jesus Christ. We are to accept our weakness and offer it God, acknowledging our inability to save ourselves.
Another way to see is that before the Gospel can be our joy and comfort, it must first confront us with our sins, bring us to contrition (true sorrow) from them and then convert us to the need of the Divine Mercy who is Jesus. Only then does drawing closer to God become our joy.
We see this played in the Gospel reading for Mass this coming Sunday (Luke 5:1-11). The late Pope Benedict XVI pointed out how the account of catching the large number of fish begins with Simon Peter calling Jesus, “teacher” or “master”. He then realizes that he is not standing before of just another holy man or profound teacher but the Light of the One who is the Christ.
Simon Peter reacts by acknowledging his own weakness and imperfections. He then calls Jesus, “Lord”, a recognition of Jesus’ divinity. Jesus then says to Simon Peter, “Do not be afraid”, and then calls him and the others in the boat to follow Him as disciples, which they do.
Is this not also the pattern of our conversion experience? God’s unexpected grace reveals to us how cracked and dirty the windshield of our soul truly is. It is to awaken in us the desire for mercy and forgiveness which are found most deeply in Jesus. By acknowledging that Jesus is Lord, we are to then be His faithful disciples as His Church. The light of God’s Truth, Goodness and Beauty guide us and become our joy.
Our Parish
Condolences to the families of Basil McLaren and Burt Steidley. Both men died this last week. Basil’s funeral was on Thursday, February 6. Burt’s funeral will be tomorrow, Saturday, at 12 Noon.
Congratulations to the Dugdale and Montel families, both of whom will be presenting children for baptism on Saturday.
This weekend in the church commons there is a Valentine Day Card Fundraiser. Each card has been had made by our Parish Nurse, Jeanne Draughon and youth of St. Benedict. All proceeds will be donated to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in thanksgiving for the life-saving care given to parishioner Avery Oyeyo.
Fr. Gabriel will be away visiting family in Mexico from February 10 to February 21. It will be his first time to see many of them in nearly two decades. Please keep him in prayer for a safe journey.
The Peace, Justice and Charity Committee recently took donations to assist the residents of Barnsdall who are still recovering from the tornado damage of last Spring. A total of $7,568 was raised. This amount will be distributed through St. Mary Parish in Barnsdall. Thank you for your generosity.
Pilgrimage Statue of Our Lady of the Cape
As part of the Jubilee Year of Hope there will be a Mass tomorrow, Saturday, February 8 at 8:30am to welcome a traveling devotional statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Afterwards there will be a showing of the film “Bridge of Roses” in McGuire Hall. At the conclusion of the Sunday Masses this weekend parishioners will have the opportunity to write prayer intentions that will be taken in Rome later this year. More information on Our Lady of the Cape will be available in the church commons.
That Man Is You
That Man Is You (TMIY), our parish’s men’s ministry, meets on Wednesdays from 6am to 7:15am in Room 101. All the men of the parish are welcome to these weekly gatherings. Information about TMIY will be available this weekend in the church commons.
Sacrament of Confirmation
Bishop Konderla will be celebrating the Sacrament of Confirmation at our parish at the Saturday 5pm Vigil Mass on February 15. There will be more than 90 children and youth who will be confirmed at that this Mass. If you regularly attend the Vigil Mass, please be prepared for a full church that evening. Please keep the confirmandi and their sponsors in your prayers.
Mission of Hope
Mission of Hope (MOH) is one way our parish carries out the Corporal Works of Mercy. It provides financial assistance to those in need in the Broken Arrow/Coweta area, both parishioners and non-parishioners alike. The focus is assistance to pay utility bills (electricity, gas and water), rent and incidental needs. Those in need are eligible for help once every three months. MOH works in conjunction with other local organizations to offer such aid.
Donations to MOH in 2024 totaled $30,598. This support came from parish organizations, individuals and the second collection at Mass on Easter Sunday.
In 2024 MOH distributed $26,916 on assistance to a total of 302 clients, the majority of whom were not parishioners. Thank you for the generous support that makes possible this help to our neighbors in need.
Thank you to Laurie Haskins, Mark Concienne, Karen McCollum and Mike Hall for their work in directing MOH.
Health Ministry Team
After 25 years of service our parish nurse Jeanne Draughon RN will be retiring at the end of April. At that time Saint Francis Hospital will end their contract with St. Benedict and will no longer financially support the program.
To replace the many ministries that Jeanne has worked with, we are looking for registered nurses and other health care professionals who may be willing to volunteer a few hours a week or possibly less frequently to fill the void. If you are interested and/or would like more information, please contact Jeanne Draughon RN at 918-455-4451 ext. 229
Assistant Music Director
Our parish in currently in need of an Assistant Music Director. For more information, please contact the parish office.
God bless and keep you safe.
Fr. Bryan