
What is the purpose of vocations?
To promote, affirm and foster vocations to the priesthood and religious life and to make aware to all parishioners the importance of their prayer and witness to others in inspiring religious vocations.

Current Programs for our Parish

Traveling Chalice
Each week a chalice will be given to a family or individual and the chalice will be a visual reminder to pray daily for vocations to the priesthood and religious life. This exchange will be at one mass each week beginning June 2010. To sign up for this program please contact Maureen in the office.

31 Club
The 31 Club is a prayer program in which a family or individual chooses one date of the month when he or she will go to Mass (or offer Adoration time or pray the Rosary) for priestly and religious vocations.

Prayer Partner with a Seminarian
A parishioner selects a card from the basket during Mass and the card will have info about one of the St. Benedict seminarians who will become a prayer partner.

Nun Run
Girls from our parish visit the different orders of Sisters throughout the local area.

If you are interested in a vocation to the priesthood or religious life or have questions regarding this vocation you are welcome to call the office at St. Benedict’s or the Diocese of Tulsa Office of Vocations at 918-599-0204.

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